Bleu Bloom

Top 7 Super Foods To Eat For Glowing Skin

Ever heard the saying that you are what you eat? As much as you can invest in skin care products and facials, there are certain foods to eat and certain foods to avoid while on the quest for perfect skin. Your skin works as a reflection of your overall health, as it is directly tied to your stomach bacteria. Your skin is your body’s biggest organ, and is extremely responsive to shifts in diet. Having a healthy gut and digestive system reflects directly to clear skin! I have experimented with different diets, and I’m certain to say this list reflects not only scientific evidence, but tried and true experience.

1. Celery Juice

Celery juice is the ultimate detox drink. The celery has anti-inflammatory properties and resets the stomach’s hydrochloric acid. Celery juice has the ability to starve viruses, bacteria, and mold in the body. Starving these ailments can lead to a healthier gut, reduced cravings, and overall glowing skin.

We recommend 16 ounces of celery juice on an empty stomach everyday for 30 days for results to be realized.

2. Fatty Fish

Salmon and other fatty fish hydrate your cells on the molecular level. The omega-3s and other oils are nothing your body can produce on its own. The oils translate to hydrated and nourished skin.

Certain dermatologists recommend having fatty fish 3-4 times a week if you suffer from acne.

3. Cilantro

Cilantro, like celery, is a detoxifying food. Cilantro cleans the blood and purifies stomach ailments. Adding fresh cilantro to your meals can balance grease and animal fats.

For truly clear skin, add some cilantro to your meals for a healthy blood detox.

4. Curry

While curry might seem unconventional, the spice blend has a multitude of benefits. The spice is jam packed with turmeric, which is highly anti-inflammatory. The spice can be used in face masks to calm redness and any inflammation.

Pair curry with your favorite foods for a spicy kick and clear skin!

5. Greek yogurt

Greek yogurt has protein and good bacteria in it. The good bacteria in yogurt helps reset your digestion and aid in a healthy gut. Protein is also key in building strong skin, and eating protein rich foods builds resilient skin.

Try eating yogurt before you go to sleep to reset your gut bacteria while you sleep.

6. Oranges

Vitamin C is a key ingredient in a good skin routine, and in a generally healthy diet. Vitamin C has been shown in studies to reduce wrinkles and fight free radicals from penetrating the skin.

Eating oranges as a snack helps refresh the skin with a boost of Vitamin C.

7. Avocado

Like fatty fish, avocado is an essential carrier of omega-3 fatty acids. Avocado is a key component of many face and hair masks, and for good reason. The oils in avocado are extremely nourishing for skin and hair.

Try adding avocado to breakfast for hydration felt throughout the day.